Michele Woltman
Cemetery Sexton
Office: 440-259-5140
Mobile: 440-417-2010
Center Road Cemetery
3840 Middle Ridge Road
South Ridge/Lane Road
2801 South Ridge Road
Perry Township maintains two cemeteries: Center Road and South Ridge/Lane Road. Center Road Cemetery, located at Center and Middle Ridge Roads, is the Township’s most used cemetery – burying approximately 60 persons per year. In 2000, the Township doubled the size of the cemetery with a 25-acre purchase of adjoining land. Township cemetery records show the earliest burials to be Hannah Stockwell, 1811; Lucy Farrar, 1812; Ezra Beebe, 1813. One of the more famous burials are the remains of Indian Princess Mona Cline who died in September, 1986. Mohoneall Anpawcheekawpawqua (Rose of the Morning Sun), the granddaughter of Cleveland’s famous Chief Thunderwater, was born in 1911. She was a descendent of the Algonquin and Sioux nations and married Ausburn Cline.

Future expansion has been provided for at the Center Road Cemetery which should serve the Community well into the twenty-first century. Gravesites can be purchased by Township residents and non-residents. The Center Road Cemetery now has three 32-niche columbariums available for inurnment of cremains. The columbariums are located at the south end of the cemetery. For cemetery matters, please call Michele Woltman, Cemetery Sexton.